Getting help on using skimage

Besides the user guide, there exist other opportunities to get help on using skimage.

Search field

The quick search field located in the navigation bar of the html documentation can be used to search for specific keywords (segmentation, rescaling, denoising, etc.).


Docstrings of skimage functions are formatted using Numpy’s documentation standard, starting with a Parameters section for the arguments and a Returns section for the objects returned by the function. Also, most functions include one or more examples.


The scikit-image mailing-list is (users should join the Google Group before posting). This mailing-list is shared by users and developers, and it is the right place to ask any question about skimage, or in general, image processing using Python. Posting snippets of code with minimal examples ensures to get more relevant and focused answers.

We would love to hear from how you use skimage for your work on the mailing-list!